Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Stephen King on Religion?

So I just finished The Colorado Kid. I read it to knock out yet another Stephen King book, it's only 178 pages so it took only 2 train rides to finish it, and I happened to find it in the Library. So yay, another Stephen King book down with only me needing to read Cujo, Carrie, The Cycle of the Werewolf and a few stories in Four Past Midnight to have read his entire collection of published works.

That's just bragging though. The book is a short mystery of the Hard-Boiled crime ilk. I won't say anything about the book at all, the real reason I'm writing is to copy a paragraph that Stephen King wrote in the Afterword of the book. I thought it was a great way of looking at life and really the pre-life and after-life that may or may not exist. Here's what he wrote:

"...Consder the fact that we life life in a web of mystery and have simply gotten so used to the fact that we have crossed out the word and replaced it with one we like better, that one being reality. Where do we come from? Where were we before we were here? Don't know. Where are we going? Don't know. A lot of churches have what they assure us are the answers, but most of us have a sneaking suspicion all that might be a con-job laid down to fill the collection plates. In the meantime, we're in a kind of compulsory dodgeball game as we free-fall from WWherever to Ain't Got A Clue. Sometimes bombs go off and sometimes the planes land okay and sometimes the blood tests come back clean and sometimes the biopsies come back positive. Most times the bad telephone call doesn't come in the middle of the night but sometimes it does, and either way we know we're going to drive pedal-to-the-metal into the mystery eventually.

It's crazy to be able to live with that and stay sane, but it's also beautiful. I write to find out what I think, and what I found out writing The Colorado Kidwas that maybe- I just say maybe - it's the beauty of the mystery that allows us to live sane as we pilot our fragile bodies through this demolition-derby world. We always want to reach for the lights in the sky, and we always want to know the answers to our questions. Wanting might be better than knowing. I don't say that for sure; I only suggest it. "

I really like this passage and I find it can be applied to most anything. Once again, I say Thankee-sai to my Uncle Stevie.

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