Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mark your Calendars

On July 14, I know what I am doing and I suggest everyone else does the same thing. Go out and buy $240 worth of pudding (where are you going to get $240??? SHHHHHHH), dip your balls in some baba ganoush, and don't forget to bet all your orphans because the greatest sketch comedy show is finally being released on DVD. That's right! The State is coming and I will be buying this DVD from Amazon, for the small price of $42.99 for every episode of a telelvision show that is the basis for most of my sense of humor. This DVD even comes with commentary by the entire cast, so that means watching every skit twice. I cannot wait. In the meantime, I will watch and rewatch my copies of Wet Hot American Summer, The Ten and even Role Models to prepare.
You can pre-order this here and in the meantime you can watch some skits on facebook by either becoming a friend of The State, or just clicking here.

I have probably seen each and every one of these episodes numerous times when they originally aired, or back in 2000 when I bought the entire series on one VHS tape on ebay for approximately $60. This DVD is a bargain compared to that. Until July 14th, I will not mention The State again. We'll just consider them "off limits" just like that big wide-open gate over there.

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